Why Engage?

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Welcome to Let’s Talk Ponoka - our online engagement space where you can share your voice and help shape our Town.

By participating in this online community, you can help make Ponoka a better place by sharing your ideas and perspectives on municipal plans, projects and initiatives.

That's why we have this online platform - to make it easy for you to learn about and share your feedback on topics that matter most to you. Your input can, in turn, help your local elected officials make decisions that best serve our community.

Let's Talk Ponoka is a simple way for you to connect with the Town - at any time, from anywhere - on important topics where your input can have a meaningful impact on our community.

So please take a moment to sign up by clicking the 'Register Here' button so you can start sharing your voice on Let's Talk Ponoka.

Why should I register?

By registering, you will have the opportunity to share your input and ideas, and to receive updates on featured projects that interest you.

Registering also helps us ensure that you are a real person and not a bot, which helps us validate the quality and reliability of the community input we are gathering.

Please note that you are able to browse and view content on any publicly accessible sections of this website completely anonymously without signing up.

How do I register?

When you register, you will be asked to create an anonymous username (which will appear publicly when you post comments or ideas).

You will also be asked to provide an email address and your postal code (which are NOT displayed publicly).

We ask for your email and postal code so that we can:

  • Send you updates (upon your request) on projects that interest you;
  • Respond to inquiries; and
  • Ensure you are a real person, not a bot.

To register, please click here.

Use of material

By accessing, using, or submitting material to post on Let's Talk Ponoka, you are accepting and agreeing with the Terms of Use. The purpose of this site is to gather input from local citizens on Town of Ponoka programs, projects, and initiatives.

The Town of Ponoka reserves the right to remove any material or deactivate any account that appears to violate the Terms of Use or guidelines for participating in an online discussion. This includes post material that is prohibited, inappropriate or spam-related.

Will all public engagement be online now?

No. Let's Talk Ponoka is just one of many public engagement tools the Town will continue using to engage and gather input from our citizens. The Town will continue hosting in-person public engagement events, such as Coffee with Council, open houses, Council committees, Council meetings, and more.

What are the terms of use for this online site?

To learn about the terms of use for Let's Talk Ponoka and how the site is moderated, please visit the following pages:

This website is moderated by a professional global moderation team from Bang the Table Pty Ltd in collaboration with the Town of Ponoka.

All public-facing contributions - that is, contributions that can be seen by other website users - and usernames submitted to this website are moderated in accordance with the moderation rules.

Welcome to Let’s Talk Ponoka - our online engagement space where you can share your voice and help shape our Town.

By participating in this online community, you can help make Ponoka a better place by sharing your ideas and perspectives on municipal plans, projects and initiatives.

That's why we have this online platform - to make it easy for you to learn about and share your feedback on topics that matter most to you. Your input can, in turn, help your local elected officials make decisions that best serve our community.

Let's Talk Ponoka is a simple way for you to connect with the Town - at any time, from anywhere - on important topics where your input can have a meaningful impact on our community.

So please take a moment to sign up by clicking the 'Register Here' button so you can start sharing your voice on Let's Talk Ponoka.

Why should I register?

By registering, you will have the opportunity to share your input and ideas, and to receive updates on featured projects that interest you.

Registering also helps us ensure that you are a real person and not a bot, which helps us validate the quality and reliability of the community input we are gathering.

Please note that you are able to browse and view content on any publicly accessible sections of this website completely anonymously without signing up.

How do I register?

When you register, you will be asked to create an anonymous username (which will appear publicly when you post comments or ideas).

You will also be asked to provide an email address and your postal code (which are NOT displayed publicly).

We ask for your email and postal code so that we can:

  • Send you updates (upon your request) on projects that interest you;
  • Respond to inquiries; and
  • Ensure you are a real person, not a bot.

To register, please click here.

Use of material

By accessing, using, or submitting material to post on Let's Talk Ponoka, you are accepting and agreeing with the Terms of Use. The purpose of this site is to gather input from local citizens on Town of Ponoka programs, projects, and initiatives.

The Town of Ponoka reserves the right to remove any material or deactivate any account that appears to violate the Terms of Use or guidelines for participating in an online discussion. This includes post material that is prohibited, inappropriate or spam-related.

Will all public engagement be online now?

No. Let's Talk Ponoka is just one of many public engagement tools the Town will continue using to engage and gather input from our citizens. The Town will continue hosting in-person public engagement events, such as Coffee with Council, open houses, Council committees, Council meetings, and more.

What are the terms of use for this online site?

To learn about the terms of use for Let's Talk Ponoka and how the site is moderated, please visit the following pages:

This website is moderated by a professional global moderation team from Bang the Table Pty Ltd in collaboration with the Town of Ponoka.

All public-facing contributions - that is, contributions that can be seen by other website users - and usernames submitted to this website are moderated in accordance with the moderation rules.